- There are over 30 million runners in the United States
- The rates of injury among runners are highest in sprinters, followed by middle distance runners, and finally long distance runners
- The most common sites of injury are from the knee down to the foot:
- Knee 40%
- Lower leg 20%
- Foot and ankle 20%
- Hip and groin 15%
- Back 5%
- Location of injury is also correlated with typical running distance:
- Sprinters – Hamstring strains & tendinitis most common
- Middle distance – Back & Hip issues
- Long Distance – Foot & ankle problems
- Common Running Injuries include:
- Patellofemoral pain syndrome
- Tibial Stress Syndrome
- Achilles tendinitis
- Stress fractures
- Patellar tendinitis
- IT band syndrome
- Metatarsal stress syndrome
- Adductor strain
- Hamstring strain
- Posterior tibial tendinitis
- Ankle sprain
- Peroneus tendinitis
- Iliac apophysitis
- Some running injuries require complete cessation of running, while others require running modification. These factors are influenced by:
- Level of pain
- Timing of pain
- Mileage
- Mechanics